us Save Great Leighs
Are you aware that huge pylons are coming to Great Leighs?
They will:
decrease house value by up to 40%.
be 50 metres high and visible from the village.
be within 1km from Great Leighs Primary School.
destroy environment, wildlife, land, protected lanes, trees and views.
increase the exposure to Electro Magnetic Fields (EMFs) and associated illness.
Cause chaos on local roads: HGVs, heavy machinery and traffic systems.
delay your daily commute, schools runs and hospital journeys.
by clicking here:
Your voice counts.
The link above will open a prepopulated email. You can add your name and send it as it is or change it as you wish.
Alternatively, you can object in writing by sending a letter to: ‘FREEPOST N to T’.
The email address, in case the link above doesn’t work for you, is contact@n-t.national and our pre-prepared text, if you’d like to copy and paste, is:
I OBJECT TO YOUR PROPOSALS. The Norwich to Tilbury pylons project brings severe harm to the environment, communities, landscapes and heritage of East Anglia. Alternatives such as offshore grid and undergrounding of cables have not been presented for consultation.